23. 10. 2012.

Uskoro stiže iOS 6.0.1 sa mnogim zakrpama

Čini se da će sledeće nedelje stići prva manja zakrpa za iOS 9 operativni sistem. Oznaka 6.0.1, trebala bi srediti manje probleme koji su trenutno trn u oku brojnih korisnika Appleovih mobilnih uređaja, a sama zakrpa je ovih dana u fazi intezivnih testiranja.

Prema navodima portala BGR, u planu je otklanjanje problema kao što su treperenja na ekranu prilikom korištenja tastature ili navigacijom mapama, povremeni problemi s LED blicem i WiFi vezom, iznenadni pristup ličnim podacima Passbooka sa zaključanog ekrana, otkazivanje celog sastanka kada samo jedan učesnik otkaže svoj dolazak i slični ništa manje iritantni problemi.

Evo kompletnije liste i privremenih rešenja:

  • Native Map app provide distorted images and routes. (solution : start using Google Maps custom App on iOS 6)
  • Pictures and other media files are not getting uploaded or sent over Wifi.
  • Passbook is not working and getting synchronized. (Solution : Just change your Year to 2013 it will start working fine)
  • Wifi not working. (Solution : reset your Wifi Router and your idevice will start accepting wifi connection)
  • Camera Stop working.
  • Few letters like “i” and “d” are not getting capitalized.
  • Music is not working properly – buggy. (Solution download all the songs from your idevice and download / sync back all the songs from itune DONE)
  • Auto Lock not working. (Solution: Just Reboot and your Auto Lock will start working)
  • Contacts are not getting segregated as Group selected
  • SIRI go mad, voice turned into Male (LOL wao now you have SIRA)
  • in iPad it is reported by one of our commenter, MISSY, that after updated to iOS 6, iPad stopped charging which is simply a worst thing to happened to idevice.(working on it)
  • If you Apps and over all iPhone 4S gets slow just (Solution:hard reset it… but do take complete backup before going hard reset option.)
  • Mute Toggle button is not working in iOS 6 sometimes work differently.

Iako je ovo tek manja zakrpa, svakako će poslužiti kao dodatno poliranje sistema pred izlazak novog iPada koji bi u radnje trebao stići početkom idućeg meseca. Prva veća zakrpa za iOS 6 je takođe u planu, no nju tek možemo očekivati u narednim nedeljama.

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izvor: zimo tucknoloji

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