4. 3. 2012.

[Igrica] The Simpsons: Tapped Out

Od kreatora serije The Simpsons, stigla nam je igrica za iUređaje - The Simpsons: Tapped Out!

Trapavi Homer je izazvao havariju u nuklearnoj elektrani koje je zbrisala Springfild sa lica zemlje. I sada je na vama da ga izgradite od pocetka.

Pomozite Homeru da izgradi Springfild po vašoj meri i da pronađe porodicu. Ako volite Simpsonove, ne smete da ne probate igricu.

Evo kako izgleda:

Jedanaest razloga da je preuzmete:

1. First, you can get it for free!
2. Make Springfield just like you want it.
3. Help Homer find Marge, Bart and the rest of his family and friends! (Ned Flanders, too.)
4. Complete tasks to earn… mmm, donuts!
5. Make Apu work ridiculously long shifts at Kwik-E-Mart.
6. Grow and harvest Tomacco on Cletus's Farm.
7. Party down with Duffman at Duff Brewery.
8. See how your Indolence, Consumerism, Gluttony stack up on the Conform-o-meter.
9. Enjoy exclusive, never-before-seen animated scenes sure to please fans of TV's longest-running comedy.
10. Visit your friends' Springfields, play pranks, and collect cash.
11. And did we mention… it's free to play?

Pogledajte trejler:

Sedamnaetominutni gameplay:

Datum: Mar 01, 2012
Verzija: 1.0.0
Veličina: 12.9 MB
Jezik: Engleski
Kompatibilna sa: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch sa iOS 4+
Besplatno preuzimanje: (iTunes link)

4 коментара:

  1. Uklonjena je privremeno. Evo zvanicnog saopstenja: "To make sure you current players have the best possible experience, we’ve temporarily removed The Simpsons: Tapped Out from the App Store. Yes, as a current player you can keep playing -- and things should only get better as we make improvements to connectivity. Once we have a solution, we’ll return the game to the App Store so new players can join in the fun. Meanwhile, thank you for your patience and support."

  2. Анониман5. март 2012. 01:16

    Skinuo sam igricu pre dva dana i do sada nisam uspeo da je uopste pokrenem. Nakon par sekundi ucitavanja izbacuje mi "Error. Server is busy. Try again in 60 seconds." I pocinje da odbrojava i kad dodje do nule opet Error...

    Stoga mislim da je sve zajedno jedna dobra zajebancija od strane kreatora Simpsonovih...

    :D :D :D

  3. To je i razlog zasto su je uklonili privdemeno :/


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