15. 11. 2011.

Novi iTunes 10.5.1 donosi iTunes Match

Nova verzija iTunesa 10.5.1 konacno donosi iTunes Match za javnost. Ako ne znate sta je iTunes Match, evo podsetnika.

iTunes Matchje novi muzicki servis koji je integrisan sa iCloudom i omogucava korisnicima da "skeniraju i prepoznaju" svoju lokalnu muzicku biblioteku i sacuvaju pesme na iCloud kako bi joj pristupili bilo odakle. Servis kosta 24.99$ godisnje. Moze se koristiti na 10 razlicitih racunara i iOS uredjaja. Servisu se pristupa sa iPhona, iPod touch-a ili iPada koji imaju iOS 5. Trenutno je dostupan samo u Sjedinjenim Drzavama, a ocekuje se uskoro i u ostalim zemljama.

Evo sta je sve novo u iTunesu 10.5.1:

Introducing iTunes Match. Store your entire music library in iCloud, including music you’ve imported from CDs, and enjoy your collection anywhere, anytime, on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, computer, or Apple TV.

iTunes 10.5 also included:

• iTunes in the Cloud. iTunes now stores your music and TV purchases in iCloud and makes them available on your devices anywhere, any time, at no additional cost.

• Automatic Downloads. Purchase music from any device or computer and automatically download a copy to your PC and iOS devices.

• Download Previous Purchases. Download your past music, TV, app, and book purchases again, at no additional cost. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer on the iTunes Store.

• Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5.

• Wi-Fi Syncing. Automatically sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iTunes any time they’re both on the same Wi-Fi network.

iTunes 10.5.1 mozete besplatno preuzeti za vas PC ili Mac sa ove adrese.


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